Click & Collect
ATTENTION: Please be advised that our Click & Collect service is currently disabled. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
How do I place a Click & Collect order?
Simply browse our online store to find a product that you would like to purchase as a Click & Collect order, select your size, and click the Click & Collect button
How will I know the status of my order?
Once your order has been placed, you will receive an Order Confirmation email with the details of your order including the pick up store's address. After your order has been picked, you will receive a Ready To Collect email including a 6 digit contactless collection code.
How soon can I collect my Click & Collect purchases after placing my order?
Order are usually processed and ready for collection within 90 minutes of purchase, or 90 minutes after the store opens if ordered outside of trading hours. Please wait for confirmation that your order is ready before visiting the store.
Where do I collect my order once I arrive at the store?
Travel to your Click & Collection destination store with your confirmation email and photo ID, and speak with one of our crew members at the counter who will assist with your collection.
Can someone else pick up my order on my behalf?
During the online checkout process for your Click & Collect order, you can specify the name and phone number of a person whom you have nominated to collect your order. Please note that the person will need to provide photo ID when visiting the store.
How long will my order be held in the store for?
Click & Collect orders will be held at your selected store for 7 days. After this time your order will automatically be cancelled and refunded. Please contact us if you need some extra time to collect your order.
Where can I find the trading hours and address of the store I have chosen?
Visit our Store Locator page on our website to find the current trading hours, address and contact details for each of our stores. It is important to note that trading hours can vary on public holidays.
Is Click & Collect available for every product?
Click & Collect availability can vary from product to product, as is dependant on the stock levels at each store. Some products and brands are stocked exclusively online.
What happens if an item in my order is out of stock after I've already purchased it?
In some unfortunate instances there may be an issue with one or more items in your Click & Collect order. A member of our online customer service team will contact you to discuss your order and offer a solution for you.
What is your refund and exchange policy for Click & Collect orders?
Our crew members at the store can help in sorting out an exchange or refund for you. If you've already left the store, feel free to contact our customer service team. All Click & Collect orders are subject to our in-store returns policy.
Can I change or cancel my Click & Collect order before I collect it?
If you haven't yet received your confirmation email to notify you that your order is ready for collection, we suggest calling our customer service team to check the status and potential for cancellation.
Is there a charge for placing a Click & Collect order?
Click & Collect is a complimentary service, and comes with no extra charges or fees!